MTECK makes purpose built lattice duty cycle cranes. They are clam shell, dredging and dragline capable. They offer both fully electric frequency drive or diesel hydraulic combinations. MTECK cranes are the greenest on the planet for a number of reasons. They are a perfect fit for working near and on our nation’s waterways and keeping our environment safe from oil spills.
There’s a lot of information on this page. Be sure to check out the many photos. There’s also a section in the middle with links to some YouTube videos. Scroll to the bottom and there is a great virtual tour of the MTECK 1150.
MTECK Advantages:
- All of our components are over sized.
- The winch components are strategically sized so they only have to operate at half capacity with a full crane load.
- A standout feature is the auto lube greasing system-standard, which eliminates the need to have someone grease the machine manually.
- The cabin itself is incredibly spacious with central air conditioning and heating.
- All MTECK’s are equipped with a high-tech power management system, as well as double or triple swing drives.
- The slew bearing is over sized to ensure the crane has plenty of stability.
- The 4-rope design (2 on each drum) allows the operator to manage the bucket easily and ensures that the wires will not twist or spin. This allows the crane to operate easily without using a tagline.
- The wire rope is just single layer, including on the boom hoist.
- The gull wing design makes the engines easily accessible for repairs/maintenance.
- The robust upper structure includes a 3+ inch bed-plate welded to supports into the bed-plate.
- Lastly, MTECK has designed the most environmentally friendly crane ever built, making it the perfect machine to use right on our nation’s waterways.
- 20% of the available power on any hydraulic machine is used when the engine is running at high idle with no load.
- MTECK’s cranes are 30-35% more efficient than any other hydraulic excavator or lattice duty cycle crane on the market.
- The overhaul period for an excavator is much shorter than it is for an MTECK, which allows you to keep moving forward with operations for a longer period of time.
- The design of the MTECK eliminates any risk of an oil spill when working on a waterway, whereas any other excavator/duty cycle crane will have exposed hoses or cylinders over the water.
- These exposed hoses/cylinders allows oil to easily seep into the water. Any amount of oil is a catastrophe in the water.
MTECK Dynamic Operations:
Check out these YouTube videos of the all new MTECK 300E & 316E. The video of the 316E is strictly a demonstration of how dynamic the machine can be. The video of the 300E shows how fluid an MTECK runs when unloading a barge at full speed.
- – 316E
- – 300E
- – Video showcasing MTECK’s best features
- Type 4 wired Dredge crane
- Jib-length 24mtr
- Capacity dredging 16T
- Radius 17mtr
- Capacity hoisting 45T
- Radius 6mtr
- Weight 94T
- Speed 90mtr/min (at full load)
MTECK 1150
This is the latest Mteck creation.
- 75mt @ 21m capacity fully electric frequency drive for Boskalis/Van Oord joint venture
- No hydraulics, no frictions
- Long duty cycle life
- 226mt house
- 100mt counterweight
- 60mt boom
- 5.2 bearing
- 4 swing drives 90 kw each
- 550 kw hoist winch
- 550 kw close winch
- 350 kw boom hoist