70 East End Dr, Manheim, PA 17545   //   P: (717) 664-3536   //   F: (717) 664-4575


Crane Specialists Inc. has a great history of researching and obtaining parts. We find the components needed to keep your cranes and lifting equipment operating in peak condition.
We have been in business since 1988 and have gained extensive knowledge on older draglines and duty cycle cranes. But we also are partnering with companies such as Mteck and their new environmentally clean machine, M300.This is a new concept in the way lifting equipment is being utilized in sensitive areas. Crane Specialist is intentional about staying current with this changing industry technology. We are maintaining access to parts and information to keep these new machines up and running smoothly.

An extensive collection of machine records is another area that sets us apart. This gives us an edge in knowing how the equipment was originally built and provides valuable information about replacement parts.

Fill out your request on our Parts Request form or give us a call (717)-664-3536. When possible please have your Make, Model and Serial Number ready. This is always needed to research and get you the correct components for your crane. It’s valuable information that also allows us to cross reference when part numbers change.

You may also email anyone in the Parts Department directly or use the form on our Contact page

Doug Rostad ~ drostad@cranespecialists.com

Jonathan Miller ~ jmiller@cranespecialists.com

The links below redirect to manufacturers websites, but some of these manufacturers are no longer making these machines. Check out the history to learn a little more about how each of them contributed to the crane and lifting industry that we know today.

Give us a call, we look forward to helping you.